
Saturday, July 20, 2013

)o( July 20 Horoscope Review )o(

The 12 Gates

You may be feeling more optimistic about your work.Pluto is giving you a boost of willpower to put yourself where you need to be.Psychic ability and intuition is more accurate for you as well.

Emotions are running deep this month.Relationships may be more challenging and you may be dealing with some issues regarding people.This may be a time that you get out all that you may have been holding in as far as communication on a deeper level to get your point across.

This month you have alot of energy to put into financial and spiritual gains,but do not get impatient.Work can be your main focus this month and your mercury energy can focus with precision to get the results.

You may feel that you are expanding on all levels with alot going on in your personal life.This is a time to break out of the shell and do what you have been longing to do.Do not take conflict to serious since mars is in this sign at this time.Be patient as well.

Love is in the air and you may have the feeling that a special somebody can manifest into your life at this time.If the opportunity arises Carpe Diem with your Leo/lion courage.Your home life may be undergoing change.Work for you may also be the theme for you this month.Precision is the way to go.

This may be a time where the actions speak louder than words theme is double effective for you.As a worker by nature you may tend to focus all you mental and vocal energy on the task at hand.Creativity needs to be utilized for the sake of your vitality.Do not become confused by any relationships/friendships that seem a bit off beat.Use your gut instinct.

Home life can be a bit unstable but you manage to keep things together.Friendships are subject to change and you may become more career oriented to better your position in life.Emotions run deep and you can use your vitality to push forward to the goal you are pursuing.

Precision is key for you as well.Your everyday life may be a bit off beat but you do not keep that from holding you back.Your daily routine and work are subject to change and you may need more freedom to pursue your dreams.

No matter what you are on a path to get recognition for all your hard work that you have been putting in.Home life is comfortable.
This may be a month where you want to shine and stand out of the crowd.

This can be the most ambitious time of your life and you get the feeling that you have to do what it is you have been longing for.Your relationships can be expanding but not on a level that is fully needed.Make sure you do not take anyone into your circle who is manipulative and trying to do nothing but gain.Words are more compassionate and you know the right thing to say to get results in your favor.

Work,work and more work is your theme.You are looking to expand on a level that is righteous and dignified.Your keen intuition is helping you to take the opportunity at hand and mold it to your favor for the long haul.Conversations may be very open and you need to have freedom in what you say.You could be looking to start a new career or business.

Psychic ability,intuition and compassion are at an all time high Optimism is growing and you are taking more chances.Make sure you face reality with a clear mind to stay on the path that you dream of and manifest it into reality.

                                  )o(Horoscope Review)o(

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